Make money from your Website or Blog with BidVertiserEarn Money
All of the world people intend to earn money through online by google AdSense, Now a days very difficult to get adSense account. Adsense account get for a long time.To earn money through online you should have to open a gmail account. It is easy to open gmail account. Just to follow some instruction which are available in the google site.
After opening google account you will go to google adsense account.Please
And then open a google adsense account.Before opening a adsense account you should have to write original content minimum twenty in a site or a blogs.
There are two methods you can earn:
1. Direct Methods2. Indirect Methods1. Direct Methods1. PPC Advertising NetworksList of popular CPC advertising networks:Google AdsenseYahoo! Publisher Network (YPN)BidVertiserChitikaClicksor2. CPM Advertising NetworksList of popular CPM advertising networks:Casale MediaBurst MediaValue ClickAdvertising.comTribal FusionRight Media3. Direct Banner AdvertisingSelling your own advertising space is one of the most lucrative monetization methods. First and foremost because it enables you to cut out the middleman commissions and to determine your own rates. The most popular banner formats on the web are the 728×90 leaderboard, the 120×600 skyscraper, the 300×250 rectangle and the 125×125 button.Related links:How to Find Advertisers for Your WebsiteFinding Advertisers for Your BlogDirect Advertising Sales for BeginnersOpenads Ad ServerOIO Publisher Ad Platform4. Text Link AdsText link marketplaces and networks:DigitalPoint Link Sales ForumText-Link-AdsText-Link-BrokersTNXLinkWorth5. Affiliate MarketingList of popular affiliate marketplaces and networks:Commission JunctionClickBankAzoogle AdsLink Share6. Monetization WidgetsList of companies that provide monetization widgets:WidgetBucksScratchBackSmartLinks7. Sponsored ReviewsList of sponsored reviews and paid blogging networks:PayPerPostSponsored ReviewsReviewMeBlogVertiseSmorty8. RSS Feed AdsRelated links:FeedburnerBidVertiserPheedo9. Sponsors for Single Columns or EventsProblogger also runs group writing projects occasionally, and before proceeding he publicly announce the project asking for sponsors.10.Premium Content11. Private ForumsList of popular forum software:vBulletinSimple Machines ForumphpBBVanilla12. Job BoardsList of popular job board software:JobThreadWeb Scribe Job BoardSimplyHired Job-o-maticJobbex13. Marketplaces14. Paid Surveys and Polls15. Selling or Renting Internal Pages16. Highlighted Posts from Sponsors17. DonationsPlacing a “Donate” link or button on a website can be an efficient way to earn money, especially if your blog is on a niche where readers learn and gain value from your content.18. In-text Adverting19. Pop-ups and Pop-undersAd networks that use pop-ups:Tribal FusionPayPopupPopupAdAdversal20. Audio Ads21. Selling the WebsiteRelated links:How To Buy A Website And Flip It For ProfitHow To Sell A Website – How Much Is Your Website Worth?Where to sell a website? How to go about selling it?2. Indirect Methods22. Selling an EbookRelated links:Writing an ebook for your blogHow to sell ebooksProcessing payments for your ebookHow to sell digital products onlineList of ebook selling software23. Selling a Hardcover BookList of self publishing and publishing services:LuluSelf PublishingiUniverseWordClay24. Selling Templates or WordPress Themes25. Offering Consulting and Related Services26. Creating an Email List or NewsletterList of software to manage email newsletters:AWeberSendStudio NXPHP AutoresponderConstant Contact27. Mentoring programs28. Creating a conference around the websiteIf you can not approved any adsense account you can use other earn by alternative channels. The list of other alternative channels are given below:
- Chitika
- Bidvertiser
- Skimlinks
- Infolinks
- Intellilinks
- Dynamic Oxygen
- Clicksor
- Exit Junction
- Kontera
Links Are:
- Chitika
- Bidvertiser
- Skimlinks
- Infolinks
- Intellilinks
- Dynamic Oxygen
- Clicksor
- Exit Junction
- Kontera
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